
Robot Stamp Sugar Cookies

January 24, 2012

Robot stamp cookies

I made these cookies recently for Rowan’s first birthday party. I first spotted this technique over a year over when I discovered the amazing photostream of ‘Spoon and Fork’ on Flickr. Soon afterwards I bought these robot stamps from my local craft shop and have been waiting for a chance to try it out ever since. I have never used the stamps for anything else and washed them really thoroughly before use. Also, I made sure I bought unmounted ones that haven’t come into contact with glue. I wouldn’t recommend using any stamps that have come into contact with non-edible inks either.

Robot cookie selection

To make the cookies I tried out this ‘perfect sugar cookie‘ recipe from the incredibly talented Rosie of Sweetapolita. The recipe is fairly similar to my usual cookie recipe but has slightly less flour and includes lemon extract in addition to vanilla extract giving them a lovely flavour. I also followed all of the steps she recommends and was really pleased with the crisp clean edges of the baked cookies.

Robot cookies collage

Once the cookies had cooled I covered them in white fondant using royal icing to ‘glue’ it in place. It is definitely worth using a smoother at this stage to make sure you have a perfectly flat surface to stamp. After that I set to work with the stamps, using an acrylic mount to help place the stamps and painting paste food colouring onto the stamps. I also attempted a bit of painting to make a cookie with Rowan’s name and age on it.

Stamps and colours

I liked the overall effect of all the cookies but there are definitely a few improvements I would make next time. One of those changes will be to try diluting the pastes more in order to have more control over the colours and the consistency of the texture. I also found that the colour adhered to the stamp better the longer I was using it so I’d do a lot more test stamps before moving onto the fondant. Recently, I have noticed a few people who are very skilled at hand painting on cakes and cookies and I would really like to give that a try at some point – how amazing are these Goldilocks and the 3 Bears cookies.


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  • Reply thelittleloaf January 25, 2012 at 1:30 pm

    I’ve never thought of painting my own biscuits, but I love your little robots (and those goldilocks ones are awesome too!). Definitely something to try soon…

    • Reply Laura January 28, 2012 at 12:45 pm

      Thanks. I’d love to see what you come up with.

  • Reply Liz @ Arty McGoo January 25, 2012 at 8:59 pm

    Laura these came out fantastic! I have never used fondant but it is definitely on my to do list. You did a great job painting on his name, but watch out: it is addicting 😀 thank you for the shout out on my Goldie cookie set; I had so much fun with those.

    • Reply Laura January 28, 2012 at 12:48 pm

      Thank you Liz! I was interested to see that you paint onto royal icing as I don’t actually like fondant. Your sets all look amazing, I can’t wait to try it.

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