

The 12 Days of Christmas: Groovybaby and Mama

December 12, 2013

It is the last day of ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ and I hope you’ve all enjoyed following along. We have seen some pretty amazing outfits throughout the series and heard about traditions all over the world.

My final guest is one of my favourite bloggers, Trine from Groovybaby…. and Mama. Everything she makes is so effortlessly stylish and cool. I first discovered Trine’s blog because of the amazing things she sews for her sons but she also makes stunning garments for her daughters and herself. If you haven’t visited before the you’re in for a treat. Read on first though to find out about the beautiful outfit Trine is sharing today.


Hello everyone – or ‘Hej med Jer’, as we say in Danish. I’m so glad to be a part of Laura and Suz’ series. Have you seen all of the amazing outfits that have been presented on their blogs since Dec 1? There are going to be a lot of beautifully dressed kids this Christmas.

For this series I’ve chosen to sew an outfit for my youngest, Wilma age 6. Not that she needs any new clothes. She has A LOT of dresses, but I just can’t help myself – I love sewing dresses. I might sew some new pants for my sons as well….or just more dresses!!! It’s an obsession, I know. But I get the feeling that a lot of you lovely blog ladies know what I’m talking about, right?!

Wilma’s new Christmas dress is made with this tiny checkered navy blue and black lightweight cotton fabric. The bodice is fully lined. Besides from the cotton fabric the skirt part also has one layer of soft navy blue tulle. And of course the gold colored piping.

For this dress I’ve used the gorgeous Roma Pattern from French ‘C’est Dimanche‘. Do check out all of the amazing patterns from this designer!

I’ve altered the pattern a little bit. I wanted a more fitted version of the dress so I went down a size for Wilma, who, according to the charts, should fit a size 8 (she’s rather tall for her age – 128 cm). I lengthened the bodice and skirt a bit. I also took in the bodice by tapering from armhole to waist. And then I added a zipper to the back instead of buttons. I’m just not friends with my sewing machine when it comes to making button holes!

Unfortunately Wilma broke her little wrist a week ago, so the cosy cardi both warms her shoulders and hides the not so elegant cast which hopefully will come off on Dec 23. She needs both her hands for giftpaper ripping!! The oh so soft fabric for the cardi is wool on the outside and some sort of sweatshirt fleece on the inside. Just lovely. The cardi is based on this my new favorite sweatshirt pattern – the Attaka by Kleinformat.




Ooh, pockets!

In Denmark we celebrate Christmas on Dec 24 in the evening. After eating dinner it’s time for some rocking around the Christmas tree and then gift opening. This year we’re going to spend Christmas eve with my in-laws. On the 25th we just stay at home and enjoy our gifts.

One of our favorite Christmas traditions is when we go hunting for our Christmas tree. We ususally visit this large tree plantation near by. We park our cars in the lot and begin our adventurous journey. By tractor and trailer we are transported deep into the woods (or at least 100 m or so;-) to a ‘secret’ path. If we keep our eyes open and listen very carefully we might see some of Santa’s elfs playing hide and seek between the trees. Not only does the path take us to all of these amazing Christmas trees of which we have to choose and cut down our favorite – we also pass by Santa’s cabin. And Santa himself is right there in front of his cabin greeting us and giving small bags of goodies to the kids! When we’ve chosen and cut our tree we go back to the main house of the plantation where we treat ourselves with coffee, hot chocolate and cookies. Such a wonderful day!

Laura and Suz – thank you so much for inviting me and merry Christmas to all you from Wilma, me and the rest of our family.

Santa, is that you?


This whole outfit is amazing Trine and, as usual, you have added some lovely details! Wilma looks so beautiful in the dress and I’d love that cardigan in my size. I do hope her cast is off before Christmas Eve. Your day out hunting for a Christmas sounds magical, I wish there were something like that here. Thank you so much for joining the series today.

Suz’s final guest is another very good friend of mine, Abby from Things for Boys. Click on the button below to see what she’s made today.


Suz and I will be back next week. On Monday we will do a round-up of all of the outfits our wonderful guests have sewn. Then on Thursday we will be back to show off some of the amazing clothes we have seen in the Flickr pool, so don’t forget to add your photos too!

On the twelfth day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
Twelve drummers drumming,
Eleven pipers piping,
Ten lords a-leaping,
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree!


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  • Reply Suz December 12, 2013 at 10:58 am

    Gorgeous Trine!!!! I love the design of the dress and yes, I certainly share your dress making obsession. Wilma looks gorgeous! And I agree with Laura that the tree hunting day sounds absolutely wonderful. A highlight of the festive season or sure!!! Happy Christmas to you and yours x

  • Reply Christine December 12, 2013 at 11:25 am

    just beautiful! I love the black with gold accents…I want one 🙂

  • Reply Yeka December 12, 2013 at 2:46 pm

    Very beautiful dress, Trine! The cardigan with metalic pocket is cool and stylish. Wish Wilma has speed recovery. Merry Christmas!

  • Reply Rachel December 12, 2013 at 8:35 pm

    This turned out wonderful!! I was wondering about the C’est Dimanche sewing patterns, since you were so successful with yours, I imagine they are good sewing patterns. And yes, I totally understand the obsession about sewing dresses!

  • Reply Celina December 12, 2013 at 9:42 pm

    Well Trine I love everything you do and this is no exception. The dark navy is absolutely lovely with that gold accent. And the Cardi is awesome too. If you don’t know what to do with your daughter’s clothing once she outgrows them, my daughter loves dresses too 😉 and we love hand-me downs! hihi.

  • Reply Olga Becker December 12, 2013 at 9:43 pm

    The dress is gorgeous, Trine! Love the gold accents. And the cardi looks so warm yet so stylish! Hopefully, Wilma’s wrist heals fast!

  • Reply April December 12, 2013 at 10:40 pm

    I love how simple yet elegant the dress is. And the sweater looks so cozy!

  • Reply Mie @ Sewing Like Mad December 13, 2013 at 12:52 am

    Okay, I am officially obsessed with this. I LOVE the dress but with the cardigan ahhhhh Perfection. Love love looooove Trine.
    God jul til jer alle 😉

  • Reply Erin December 13, 2013 at 11:53 am

    This is so beautiful! I love that piping on the bodice. Well done!!

  • Reply Corey December 13, 2013 at 4:31 pm

    Oh my, this is really something special. What detail…and I love the combination of very fancy dress and shoes with the deconstructed/cozy cardigan.
    Thanks for introducing me to Groovybaby and Mamma Laura and Suz! I’ve really enjoyed this series 🙂

  • Reply An (Straightgrain) December 13, 2013 at 6:53 pm

    This is such a sweet outfit! It’s classic and completely modern at the same time. Happy Christmas, Trine!

  • Reply abby @ thingsforboys December 14, 2013 at 9:53 am

    The visit to the woods to choose your tree sounds so fun and magical! Such a pretty dress too, very sophisticated!

  • Reply Jenya December 16, 2013 at 10:31 am

    Gorgeous! Hope everything goes to plan and the cast will come off in just a few days 🙂

    I really like the idea of having a lovely dinner and opening presents on Christmas eve. If we didn’t have to travel so far this could have been our little tradition – do a little celebration at home on the 24th and then a big family gathering on the 25th 🙂

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